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Miss VédérineExplications à écouter ABSOLUMENT
00:00 / 00:37

The young children who work can only take a break every* three hours, and this break can only last* five minutes.
The journalist saw* despair* and sadness* in their* eyes.
These* children have no rights and they want some.
Gap and Nike are two popular brands* which exploit children.
The journalist expects* people to react and act.
Vocabulary :
every* : chaque/tout(e)(s) le(s)
to last* : durer
saw* : prétérit de see
despair* : désespoir
sadness* : tristesse
their* : leur(s)
these* : ces (ceux-là) (pluriel de « this »)
brand* : marque
to expect* (to) : s’attendre (à)
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