The document is an article which was published in Newsweek on December the 3rd, 2008.
It was written by Slliman Staynuk.
The document was adapted for schoolbooks*.
Oliver Twist is poor (« hungry », line 2), and his parents are dead (« orphan », line 5).
Dickens denounces* the way the children were treated. Indeed, they were « treated terribly » (line 12).
Nowadays* India reminds* the journalist of* England in the nineteenth century.
Suresh is a young Indian boy who already* works. He earns* about* one dollar a day.
He is not allowed to* talk to his friends when he is at work.
His break for lunch only lasts* ten minutes.
« Had to » is the preterite version of « must ».
Example :
Yesterday, I had to go to the swimming-pool.
Vocabulary :
Schoolbooks* : manuels scolraires
To denounce* : dénoncer
Nowadays* : de nos jours
To remind of* : rappeler
Already* : déjà
To earn* : gagner (de l’argent)
About* : environ
Allowed to* : autorisé à
To last* : durer