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Miss VédérineExplications à écouter ABSOLUMENT
00:00 / 00:46
Sophie’s family
Rob asks* Sophie if she has got* brothers and sisters.
Sophie has got one brother and one sister.
Her big brother is Steven. Her little sister is Shawna.
Rob repeats Shawna’s name ; indeed*, he thinks her name is pretty*.
Sophie says it’s an Irish name.
Her family is from Dublin.
Dublin is the capital of the Republic of Ireland.
Shawna has got big blue eyes*, and long red hair*.
The children arrive at Sophie’s house.
Sophie opens the door* and she enters the house.
She screams* « SHAAAAAAWWWWNAAAAA » ; she calls* her sister.
Shawna runs*.
Shawna is five years old.
Rob is disappointed* ; indeed*, Shawna is young*.
Maybe* Rob wanted a love story with Shawna but it’s impossible because she’s just a baby.
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