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Monday May the 4th, 2020

Miss VédérineExplications à écouter ABSOLUMENT
00:00 / 01:08

Lire les descriptions et trouver de quel tableau et de quel artiste il s'agit dans chaque cas.

Attention, il y a un INTRUS !! (un tableau en trop, pour brouiller les pistes)

M'envoyer la réponse par email ou sur ProNote en précisant quels indices (mots-clés) ont été utiles.

Devoirs à faire pour jeudi 7

Van Gogh.jpg

Van Gogh

A. Renoir.jpg


G. de La Tour.jpg

de La Tour

1. This is part of a famous painting by a famous French artist. It shows little girls, young women and men in a park with their blue umbrellas. The umbrellas are dancing. The name of the painting is The Umbrellas. Who is the artist ?

2. This painting is very strange. There is only a chair with a pipe on it. The artist is also very famous. He lived in France but he was from Holland. His first name is painted on the image. What is his family name ?

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