Monday May the 25th, 2020 (5ème F)
Tuesday May the 26th, 2020 (5ème E)
The document is an article written by* Jennifer Wilson.
The document was written on Thursday March, the 16th.
The document is entitled* « Attack on the Queen ? ».
The attack took place* on Wednesday March the 15th.
The family was in Balmoral Castle, in Scotland*.
The name of the attacker is Paul Connelly.
He arrived near* Balmoral Castle.
He was disguised* in a green plastic costume and he had a gun.
Attack on the queen ? (Part 2)
When the attacker arrived, the guards ran and they arrested him.
The police officers want to discover Paul’s intentions.
The attacker is unknown* ; indeed, he does not have a criminal record*.
Paul called his sister and she arrived immediately by train.
She was anxious and shocked and refused to answer the journalists’ questions.
Chad is Paul’s nephew : Paul is Chad’s uncle.
He says is uncle is crazy but not a bad person.
In 1982, a first attack took place.
When the queen opened her eyes, there was* someone in her room.